
Monday, July 20, 2009

School? What's that?

Hello everyone..
Oh well, tomorrow is 21th of July. My mom's birthday (yippi
eeee! I'll buy a cake for you momm :) ) and of course, tomorrow it's time to go to SCHOOL! my god my lord, i'm not ready for that although i miss my bestfriends so mucccch. School equals wake-up early, have a breakfast in car (yeah, as always), and wear a school uniform. errrgh, i hate that! but I love to watch a new 'kids' in my school. anak-anak kelas satu yang baru masuk sma haha.

By the way, my dad was return from Jakarta yesterday. he bought a new forever21 shirt, scarf, jeans and of course, COOKIESSSSS hihi. nyam nyam, cookiesnya bener-bener enak loh, sampe sayang mau makannya. tapi tetep aja sekarang yg kesisa tinggal 6 biji lagi. padahal kemaren dibeli 2 kotak. eh iya, tapi jeans yg dibeli kebesaran pengen ngecilin ah, semoga ga lupa-lupa lagi dibawa ke tukang jait. oya, fyi, saya ini adalah orang yang pelupa parah. bisa nanti baju yg mau dikecilin udah ditarok di mobil, niat ngecilinnya sih besok, eeeeh bisa jadi 2 minggu lagi baru teringet.

Fyi, i'm getting mad when I see a leopard stuff!!!

The Shoes

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